See the Contrast…?

I often find myself struggling. Actually, who the hell am I bullshitting. I am constantly struggling.

I was born creative, an artist – so yes, I am fucking emotional and extremely sensitive. I am also a very grounded Taurus, so I’m not the erratic or dramatic types. I don’t cry for nothing, am ridiculously understanding and tolerant and patient. To the point where it drives me mad. See the contrast?

I love being a bull for the insane strength that it’s given me – emotionally and mentally. But when it comes to heart matters, I’m the biggest loser there is. See the contrast?

I feel so deeply and connect so quickly with people – even strangers. I am moved and touched and hurt and offended. I take everything too personally. I take things to heart. I feel enough pain of my own, I don’t know why I need feel other people’s pain! I can’t separate myself from them. See the contrast?

I love my country and it’s people as much as I have no faith in them – they make my otherwise positive outlook on life, rather grim and negative. See the contrast?

I am patient but I want it now.

I am surrounded by people but lonely.

I am constantly grateful but somehow still unhappy.

Something’s always missing. And I’m running out of ideas. How do I fill the hole? Does it ever get filled?

I wish I was emotionally cold and dead. No feelings. No love. Just a ‘whatever’ attitude. I want not to feel. I want not to give a fuck. But I can’t, because I do feel, I do care and I do give a fuck about everything and everyone, all the time. See the contrast?

Dec, 2016.

Your Expectations…

I don’t talk much,
Not about the past anymore,
Not about how X hurt me, or that I went through Y,
I don’t speak of all the pain, struggle, the number of times I have wanted to end my life, end it all for good,
But that doesn’t mean I’m over it,
That doesn’t mean I don’t feel,
That doesn’t mean I don’t know your pain,
That doesn’t mean anything.
Stop your mind from jumping to conclusions,
Stop your ego from judging me.
My story is mine, I will share it if I need to,
And I’d only need to, to help lighten your load.
I don’t need it to hold grudges or blame,
To whine or stay stuck in a moment long gone.
I don’t need to prove the tons of things I’ve gone through,
I don’t need your sympathy,
I won’t explain myself for your egos satisfaction.
Free me from your expectations,
Because I won’t, I absolutely won’t live up to them.
– Ramona Arena, 3rd September, 2018.

Open Up

Rules are meant to be rewritten

Theories are meant to be challenged

Conclusions are meant to be incomplete

Cuz the finite ain’t finite

And things ain’t what they seem.


Questions aren’t meant to be answered

Discovery is meant to be on-going

Seeking is to be an eternal quest

Cuz the finite ain’t finite

And we manifest that of which we dream.


It’s round, it’s square,

It’s here, but it’s also there

The dress is blue and the dress is green

Screw your illusions, I see the real deal

But the finite ain’t finite

You’re beyond all you staunchly believe.


Yeah the finite ain’t finite

Look beyond all that you perceive.


– Ramona Arena 2016.


And remember –
there is only one permanent thing in life.
It’s called change.
Everything you believe,
Everyone you know -including yourself,
Will change.
And the best part is –
All the years of your youth you spent breaking your bones,
Will count for nothing
Because you will be in therapy –
Completely lost,
For you’ve been forced to unlearn
All that you were tormented to learn.
Ahhh change.
Ahh life.

-Ramona Arena 2016


Inspired whilst reading John White’s poem ‘Dear Youth’.




When will you die?

This freedom that you think you found

Is nothing but a lie.



Do you feel lucky that you’re alive?

Fluttering around

Showing off your beauty,

Pity it’s only outside.

  • Ramona Arena 2016.



Shut Up Already!

They said the early bird catches the worm.
But who are they?
And why should their truth be my life story?

Words are all we have had to express ourselves.
And despite a million synonyms and such,
We are trapped and bound by how limiting they are.

I’ve come to realize,
Through life as I philosophize.
There is but one reality.

So pure and so true,
Nothing need be named.
Words are only for the deaf
As colors are for the blind.

‘Feeling’ is the gospel truth
Through music, dance & frame.
Touch, glances, moments, chances,
Convey what you can never say.

To feel so deep,
You didn’t see yourself bleeding,
To feel so much,
You won’t care about healing.

This minute, this second,
This smile, this tear
I never want to hear about it,
Just let me feel it’s real.

The Idiots’ Guide To Me.

My smile is for you to understand
My cheeks are for you to cup with your hands.

My eyes are for you to see the reflection of my perfection
My hands are your eternal reassurance, beside you in every direction.

My ears are for you to nibble on and tease
My lips are to comfort you and put you at ease.

My song is for you to hear and know.
My heart is for the seeds you want to sow.

My trust is a gift for you to celebrate
My happiness is yours to creatively elevate.

My mind is for you to appreciate and excite
My body is yours to devour till I die.



Oh but to love you is a balm that soothes my weary old spirit,
Nevermind how exasperating it maybe!

To see new life and oppotunity,
To trust unpredictability.
To know you will lay with me,
When the sun shuts her sleepy eyes,
Leaving us in the capable hands of the moon,
Under it’s cool glittery blanket of the dark, star studded night.

Tracing the outline of your face with tender fingertips,
Leaving your jaw for your smile that has now claimed its curve on your lips.

Silence so heavy, filled with emotions so deep,
Thrust upon our thoughts like a monsoon waterfall.

Can there be any substitute
For the reassurance of your breath on my cheek?
Anything that comes close to this kind of peaceful surrender?

Oh how you alone have the power to exhaust me to my wits end, frustrate me beyond the boundaries of the earth…
But it’s all a part of the deal I guess.
For you are also the only one, that has access to hold me and love me.
Will you please just swallow me whole?

Hello Gorgeous!

Oh yes, You!

You are so beautiful,

You don’t even see!

Your relevance,

Such significance

It’s almost uncanny.

You shine and glow,

But you won’t believe.

For you let the fog stay put,

In the guise of fear; insecurity.

If only I could lend you my eyes

To see what you really are.

Vulnerability is an appealing truth,

We’ve all misjudged for being weak.

And why do you interrupt your

Pretty, beaming smile?

Happiness is a worthy friend,

Consult your inner child.

We all have fragile hearts

That’ve been smashed to smithereens.

We all deserve much better now

So smile, love, breathe.

To be alive in a world with you

Is such a wonderful gift.

It’s one you must realize,

Without further ado, be swift!

-Ramona Arena 2014.

Where shall I point my finger?

‘Congratulations!! It’s a perfectly normal and healthy baby girl!!’
Most people would be thrilled to hear that. But then again many would consider that to be a disappointment, a burden, a result of bad karma, a tragedy or a reason to get pregnant again, hoping this time the Gods’ won’t curse you with another girl child.
I’m not here to judge, I’m just thinking out loud and trying to understand – why for generations, a girl, a woman has been seen as an inconvenience, not just by men but by women too. So this time, I’m going to place the ball in your court and ask you 6 questions. Take your time and think about it. I would love to hear what all of you – male, female, young, old etc have to say. And of course I know I am generalizing here – there are exceptions, but we’re looking at the larger picture.
*Please don’t reply with it’s our culture/tradition/religion; unless you have actually read up on your culture and can send me facts to back up your statement. Facts don’t include what your parents, teachers, guru babas said.
1.     Why is it expected that a good wife will cook, clean, look after the house, bear children, attend to them, to her husband, his family and tend to every need each of them may have and go to work whilst a good husband will go to work – all else is beneath him?
2.     Why is this ‘good’ wife an even better one if she quietly bears the brunt of his stress – be it emotionally, sexually, physically or mentally?
3.     Why is a single woman frowned upon and called a slut if she enjoys sex, but a single man is patted on his back and called a stud if he does the same?
4.     Why is it so hard for single, independent women to find apartments to rent whilst if there are men, it’s no problem at all?
5.     Why is she a bad influence, not a fit candidate to take home to ‘mother’, if she wears clothes that show skin, lives her life her way, has lots of male friends, tattoos, parties, smokes and drinks?
6.     Why is she too much to handle if she isn’t afraid to stand up for and be herself? Why is her opinion not worthy of being voiced?
I know most urban women will relate to at least one of these questions. We have all experienced these situations directly, seen it second hand within families, amongst friends and with house-help too. I know a lot of men who seem very liberal and open minded but when it comes to their own wives, sisters or daughters, something kicks in and everything that was acceptable suddenly isn’t.
If you could help me understand why we as a society (again not just men) discriminate against our own, I would be able to find peace and make some sense out of what we are doing to ourselves. It’s easy to point fingers, bash, blame everyone and the government!
But before I choose sides in a seemingly never ending blame game, I just want to ask –
How many of you mothers have knowingly defended the wrongs of your sons, husbands and fathers; how many of you have oppressed your daughters; secretly favored your son over your daughter – yet she is the one you expect to look after you in your old age; taken abuse silently – verbal or physical; judged other women based on their appearances?
How many of you women have thought it was okay for your mothers to behave this way? And let it continue?
How many of you men have treated women badly even in the smallest way? Accepted parents/ in laws hitting their grown daughters? Thought certain women need to be taught lessons? Told a woman how to behave/dress? Asked for dowry? Expect her to do all the housework? Watched women get teased, tormented, harassed in public and just walked away minding your own business?
I state again, I am not judging or condemning anyone here. But if there is an inner voice that (despite the obvious external discomfort) identifies with an ‘I have’ to even one of these questions, I think it’s time that we remember to look deep within each of ourselves, before pointing fingers outwardly.
There is no denying – A change must begin.  But it only begins within – regardless of religion, education, social standing, wealth and gender.