
This magnificent power of love

This bond so solid

This coming together 

This oneness.

No matter what we did  

We’re beyond the things we said

There’s a deep, unshakable connection 

Held together by more than thread.

Rooted in our core,

The way we feel,

Everything else is truly trivial

We transcend all physical boundaries.

How can I even begin to explain?

What the wisest of sages can’t fathom

You and I – the inseparable ‘we’

Are a force with which they reckon.

– Ramona Arena 2016.
16th March 2016.

The Healing

We’ll be healed

We’ll be fine

Once we’re done

With all the cryin.

Cross the days

Count the nights

This very darkness

Will be our light.

I feel the future

Together life renewed

We’ll get through this

Just me and you.

-Ramona Arena 2016

I was built for bigger things

Than loving some man,

Taking care of him,

Living, sharing, traveling, creating together…

Well. That’s what they all say.


But they don’t know that you’re not just ‘some’ guy.

That I don’t need bigger things.

That I have no direction to follow, if you aren’t my home.

That ambition, achievement are repulsive & futile,

Never a compromise, nor option when it comes to us, to our love.

-Ramona Arena 2016.

From my heart to yours…

Stand under the rays

Of the sun with open arms.

Surrender with eyes shut tight,

Heart open wide.


Let the light of purity,

Heal every nook and cranny;

Evaporate anything that lays buried or hidden,

Which is no longer of benefit to you.


Let the light of love

Fill any holes

Without even letting you know,

They were bare


Let the light of forgiveness

Beam upon you kindly

As you allow the light,

To penetrate your soul,

Purify your mind.


Release it all,

With deep breaths of sweetness,

Everything you possess,

Except the peace

Which causes you to smile within,

Even though you deny it.


Accept the love,

Dance in the blessings.

The sun shines for you dearest,

With all her might!

Get drunk with gratitude

Let it be your light,

So even if the sun does set,

You’ll sail through every tide!


Am I meant to speak through thoughts divine?

Am I meant to limit myself to words?

If I speak through my heart

Will you hear me clear?

Or must I resort to using hands and eyes?
There is no bottomless pit.

Even the ocean has a floor.

So why fear the unknown?

All that is meant to be revealed,

Is unfolded, inevitably!
So come, my dearest love

Lay with me

Among the dandelion meadows instead.
-©Ramona Arena 2016

Our Abundance!

There is a place

Where you and I will soon meet again.

Eyes fixed upon each other,

Relieved with gratitude.

For we have found with and within ourselves,

The divinity of eternity

The sanctity of commitment

The answered prayer of love.

And so, we stand intoxicated.

Deep in the familiar embrace,

Of a hundred thousand lifetimes,

Where we are safely back home at last.

This, is our blessing called abundance!

-©Ramona Arena 2016

Shams and Rumi.

Page 192, Shams (The Forty Rules of Love – Elif Shafak)


They say in life, someone needs to come along and make you realise what your full and complete life has been missing all this time. Like a mirror, that reflects what is absent rather than present, this person shows you the void in your soul that you’ve resisted seeing so far.

But what matters most, is finding the soul that completes yours. Seems this is what all the prophets advised: Go find the one that will be your mirror.

Shams was a mirror for Rumi. So, as I was reading this passage, it suddenly dawned upon me. I have been Shams for a lot of people, and I have had a few Shams come into my life. But these are passing ones. Where is’the one’?

According to my interpretation of this, ‘the one’ can only be one with whom you have a constant Shams and Rumi situation. I realised, I have finally found ‘my one’. I am his Shams, and he is my Shams. I mirror in him what is absent, as he mirrors in me what is absent.

Glory be to The One! Whatever you may call Him – God/Love/Creator/Universe/Father/Giver/Truth/Compassionate/All Knowing/All Seeing/Eternal/Omnipresent/Just… Glory be to Him for showering upon me this wisdom. The wisdom to interpret this so. The wisdom to have recognised this, and the wisdom to be patient enough to allow my Rumi, to look into that mirror and finally see that the Shams he has been achingly longing for, is right beside him, for eternity.

The depth of this love is indescribable. This is truth. Just as you grow, you need to be able to help your Rumi grow. Growning together, rising together in ways that can be so different individually, and so soul shattering but it is always beautiful regardless, for you are always together. With this mirror, you are constantly reminded of 2 things:

  1. You must grow, as you acknowledge what you lack
  2. You are never alone


My problem is, I am too direct. Perhaps like Shams of Tabriz in a way, but I’m sure he had smarter ways of communicating directly – I  perhaps comes across as harsh or blunt; like I’m launching an attack – which certainly is anything but what I want to do. And so here, my Rumi becomes my Shams – teaching me that I must be more clever and have more tact, when it comes to communicating and dealing with people.

May every living soul on these earthly planes experience this divinity, for love can never be more pure. This is an eternal love. Not meant to be understood, nor necessarily accepted by your closest ones. But you don’t need anyones’ approval. This is YOUR love – no explanations, no justifications. It can make you feel everything and nothing. And thereby, complete.



***This is my interpretation of this passage from ‘The Forty Rules of Love’ by Elif Shafak. I may be wrong, but this is something that resonated and pulsated very strongly through me as I read this. So strong was it, that I could not even finish reading the chapter. I felt the need to share it, so here we go. Feel free to discuss this. May you find your Shams and Rumi in ‘the one’ mirror. Stay blessed, Ramona. xx***

We’re Alive

Nevermind what you said

Nevermind what you did

Honey, I choose love.


Nevermind what happened

Nevermind what we had to go through

My love, I choose us.


Here and now

I stand with faith.

For You and I,

A path illuminates.


All is forgiven

For there is only love.

All is forgotten

For we are intoxicated with love.


We’ll get through all the moments

Of nail biting anxiety,

As the action movie of our lives

Will bring more challenges, I guarantee.


So flow into me, my darling

Together life has begun

We’re alright, we’re alive

We’ve survived, we’re eternal love.


-Ramona Arena 2015.


27th December.

Ode to Love.

It’s all that’s on my mind.
It’s a power so divine.

Everywhere I turn,
Hearts I find,
Heads resting on shoulders,
Fingers intertwined.

Even statues have held on,
Bringing intimacy to life.
The greatest of all composers,
For you are alive.

You are so beautiful to me.
I am eternally immersed in thee.

-Ramona Arena 2015, 15:00, Oslo.


Sunsets like this
Spell out your name.
The colors vary
But the feelings are the same.

To be wrapped again
In the warmth of your touch
The subtle glow of amber
Through this quiet, says so much.

The strings you pluck
Guitar on my back
The sweetest squeeze awaits
Come home baby, hurry back!

-Ramona Arena 2015.