See the Contrast…?

I often find myself struggling. Actually, who the hell am I bullshitting. I am constantly struggling.

I was born creative, an artist – so yes, I am fucking emotional and extremely sensitive. I am also a very grounded Taurus, so I’m not the erratic or dramatic types. I don’t cry for nothing, am ridiculously understanding and tolerant and patient. To the point where it drives me mad. See the contrast?

I love being a bull for the insane strength that it’s given me – emotionally and mentally. But when it comes to heart matters, I’m the biggest loser there is. See the contrast?

I feel so deeply and connect so quickly with people – even strangers. I am moved and touched and hurt and offended. I take everything too personally. I take things to heart. I feel enough pain of my own, I don’t know why I need feel other people’s pain! I can’t separate myself from them. See the contrast?

I love my country and it’s people as much as I have no faith in them – they make my otherwise positive outlook on life, rather grim and negative. See the contrast?

I am patient but I want it now.

I am surrounded by people but lonely.

I am constantly grateful but somehow still unhappy.

Something’s always missing. And I’m running out of ideas. How do I fill the hole? Does it ever get filled?

I wish I was emotionally cold and dead. No feelings. No love. Just a ‘whatever’ attitude. I want not to feel. I want not to give a fuck. But I can’t, because I do feel, I do care and I do give a fuck about everything and everyone, all the time. See the contrast?

Dec, 2016.

Your Expectations…

I don’t talk much,
Not about the past anymore,
Not about how X hurt me, or that I went through Y,
I don’t speak of all the pain, struggle, the number of times I have wanted to end my life, end it all for good,
But that doesn’t mean I’m over it,
That doesn’t mean I don’t feel,
That doesn’t mean I don’t know your pain,
That doesn’t mean anything.
Stop your mind from jumping to conclusions,
Stop your ego from judging me.
My story is mine, I will share it if I need to,
And I’d only need to, to help lighten your load.
I don’t need it to hold grudges or blame,
To whine or stay stuck in a moment long gone.
I don’t need to prove the tons of things I’ve gone through,
I don’t need your sympathy,
I won’t explain myself for your egos satisfaction.
Free me from your expectations,
Because I won’t, I absolutely won’t live up to them.
– Ramona Arena, 3rd September, 2018.

Open Up

Rules are meant to be rewritten

Theories are meant to be challenged

Conclusions are meant to be incomplete

Cuz the finite ain’t finite

And things ain’t what they seem.


Questions aren’t meant to be answered

Discovery is meant to be on-going

Seeking is to be an eternal quest

Cuz the finite ain’t finite

And we manifest that of which we dream.


It’s round, it’s square,

It’s here, but it’s also there

The dress is blue and the dress is green

Screw your illusions, I see the real deal

But the finite ain’t finite

You’re beyond all you staunchly believe.


Yeah the finite ain’t finite

Look beyond all that you perceive.


– Ramona Arena 2016.

Games (Part 2)

Used on repeat

Deceived each time

Pitifully dumb

Their loyalty stays blind.


This disease, this herd mentality

All they do is suffer

Believing various Gods

Will miraculously make it better.


Sacrifice a child,

Marry a tree

Pollute mother nature

With your sins in her purity.


Only this,

Will rid you off your karma

Poverty is your destiny

Surrender your money, with your daughters.



Driving us all to doom

Believing in tradition

Unable to fathom the very anthem they croon.


They stay trapped in their misery

Frustrated and lost

Dripped in hypocrisy

This damage is beyond cost.


-Ramona Arena 2016


**DISCLAIMER: This poem does not reflect on any country, party, organization or corporation, religion or any other such thing in particular. It is an artistic expression of thought – as all my other writing is.



Games (Part I)

They been playin

Playin dirty

Dirty with minds

Minds they keep illiterate

On a tight leash they’ve kept disguised.


Foolish thoughts encouraged,

Have led to fragile times.

Impulsive, emotional reactions,

Never thought through with a rational mind.


What about the repercussions?

What about the damage?

What about shameless absurdity?

What about their crimes?


Who dares ask such questions

Big bucks and powers allied

Quickly silence their voices,

Arrest them, rape their wives.


Democracy is an illusion

They can never let it thrive

How will they ever benefit

Through harmony and equal rights?


So beasts and wildlings’ve been bred

For a majority of free willed votes.

They’ll gulp down anything without a doubt

Like unsuspecting, to-be-slaughtered goats.

-Ramona Arena 2016


**DISCLAIMER: This poem does not reflect on any country, party, organization or corporation, religion or any other such thing in particular. It is an artistic expression of thought – as all my other writing is.







Dignity. Strength. Grace.

What’s done is done.
What’s said is said.
What was felt was felt.
All in the moment.
The moment that was.
Right now is another moment.
A new one to live.
With an opportunity to create.
To be. To seize.

Head high. Chin up.
Walking tall.
Walking ahead.
Dignity. Strength. Grace.

Reasons are a plenty
But never one good enough
To look back, to contemplate.
Make the ‘what if’ happen now
Instead of entertaining wallow.
What’s gone is gone.
What’s happened is over.
What’s behind is irrelevant.
Head high. Chin up.
March on ahead, tall.
Sashay forth.
Dignity. Strength. Grace.

– ©Ramona Arena 2015.

And they ask out of

What they call they concern

If I’m okay,

If I’m happy,

If I’ve found someone.


-Ramona Arena 2015


The milky moon
Shining full and bright
Negates the intensity
Of the ebony night

Beaming down
Upon the sea
He boasts aloud
Drunk with vanity.

The stars weren’t bothered
They just ignored
The pompous moon
With claims so broad.

‘They’re filled with envy’
He justified,
‘But I control you beings
With water and tide.’

Now a lone urchin boy
Seated on a rock
Looked up at the moon
Thinking ‘what a shmuck!’

He kept on ranting
Till the lad could take no more
‘Shut up you dim wit
Your flatulence, I abhore.’

Aghast, the moon scowled
‘Who do you think you are!
Don’t you know who I am?
I can wreck you with my power!’

‘You’re nothing alone
You can only shine
Because the sun loves you
And lets you steal her light

You’re not even a planet
You can’t host or sustain life
You’re dented, cold and old
A lonely satellite’

‘You know not what I had to go through
To evolve and get to this stage.
There’d be no earth without me
No animals nor human race.

Just like the other scum
All that you can see
Is a rabbit on my face
But I stabilize thee!

All of you ingrates
Your time will come
When I leave your sight
Disaster will be done!

And then you will remember
All I wanted was respect and affection.
But you are a selfish species
Bringing doom upon creation.’

23rd Aug 2015. Ramona Arena.

Indian Social Justice (EXPLICIT)

They scream

They yell

But no one gives a fuck.

They defend

They prove

Yet, no one gives a fuck.

They cry

They starve.

Nope. Still no fuck given.

Too many daily injustices

A million too many around.

So, no. Sorry; we just won’t give a fuck.

-Ramona Arena, 20th September 2015.


Pour into me whole
Flood me with such force
Shatter everything I’ve known.

Drown me in your love so deep
That I die with my past
Giving birth to a new me.

Crash into me with such vigour
That the impact of whiplash
Redefines hurt.

Thrust and erupt inside of me with such fervour
That your lava burns me to ashes
And I may merge infinitely with the universe that is you!

-Ramona Arena 2014.