
This magnificent power of love

This bond so solid

This coming together 

This oneness.

No matter what we did  

We’re beyond the things we said

There’s a deep, unshakable connection 

Held together by more than thread.

Rooted in our core,

The way we feel,

Everything else is truly trivial

We transcend all physical boundaries.

How can I even begin to explain?

What the wisest of sages can’t fathom

You and I – the inseparable ‘we’

Are a force with which they reckon.

– Ramona Arena 2016.
16th March 2016.


People do things.

Stupid things.

Destructive things.

But everything can be forgiven – 

Perhaps not forgotten.

Everything can be worked upon.

And healed.

Before you know it,

You’ve gotten through another hurdle.

Together, emerges stronger than ever.

– Ramona Arena, 21st December 2015.


You’ve been calling my soul,
I’ve seen you follow the footprints I’ve left in the sand,
I’ve heard you whisper my name through the mist of the milky way,
I’ve seen you in the morning rays of the sun,
Hitting my eyes first thing each day.

You invite me into your world
But the doors are shut with bolts of fear.
You ask me to sit down,
On sofas that have lost their spring and shape.
You offer me a drink
In a glass that’s as clear as it is opaque.
I’m grateful for the rose you gifted me
The one you needed to take back because it had a few thorns.

The beauty of it all,
Is that I see you.
I don’t just look.
I see through you
And feel everything you’re thinking.
And it’s okay.
I have no place else I’d prefer to be.

There is no judging, no opinion, no frustration.
Only understanding and patience, that have never come by this easy.
Is this what unconditional love is?

You’re trying to run as fast as you can,
But you’re only looking back.
Yes, I can see that your bags are packed
But here you are, still staying put.

I still see you,
Frantic and nervous.
Do you see me?
Serene and still?
You run circles around the moon
But you can’t dodge my smile of earthed steadiness, of planetary stubbornness.


The Coffee Shop of Change.

Consistency would be the death of my spirit she thought.
He asked if she was hungry.
She wasn’t.
But he insisted.
So she settled for a Croque Monsieur & Cappuccino.

He looked into her eyes asking if something was the matter.
She bit into the crispy toast with the melting cheese sliding past the side of her mouth; she smiled.
Perhaps I don’t know myself as well as I assume I do: she thought but didn’t dare mention.
She nodded and looked right back at him saying, ‘thank you’.

She found comfort in his consistent knowledge of her happiness.
Maybe stability isn’t such a bad thing after all.
He held her hand and gave it a squeeze.

‘Now give me a bite will you? It looks so damn good!’.
For the first time, she didn’t bicker and moan about him not ordering his own food.
She laughed aloud as he picked up the plate,
Looking back at everything that was.

This – him, me, the sandwich, this moment … was worth the wait.
It was worth it all.
Love is always the right answer.



The rush I get at the thought of you,

Sliding your fingers down the length of my spine.

If only you knew the joy that explodes through every blood vessel,

At the mere sight of your eyes.

That magnetic force,

Between tender lips and our aching skin.

That supple warmth between the sheets

Where thighs lay interlaced,

And divinity has new meaning again.

The eternal gypsy needs no home,

Other than the one, your arms can provide.

So take her quickly, to devour and heal,

She’s the one you’ll need, to learn to breathe.

-Ramona Arena 2014.

Her to Him… (Part Two)

O beautiful spirit covered in man
Will you bleed away your sorrows
In the palm of my hand?

Will you cry to me your songs of love?
Will the darkness shine when your eyes are shut?

Will you treasure my kisses of breath
On the nape of your bare neck?
Will you be absolute and pure with me
As I bleed with you for eternity?

I need to know your ebony sky,
Before I accept with an ivory ‘aye’!

-Ramona Arena 2014.

Him to Her… (Part 1)

Beautiful soul wrapped in girl
I don’t know where you’ve come from
To rock my world.

I need you beside me
You’re all I can think
You’ve consumed every part of me
Yet I stand strong on the brink.

You push my boundaries
Past limits I’d drawn
With fears & insecurities
I was jailed in my home.

Fluttering and floating
You waltz into my life
Consciously aware atlast,
I’m gonna make you my wife.

-Ramona Arena 2014.